Climate at Work
Survey 2022

We're delighted to announce our first annual survey about employee perceptions and confidence in their company's climate goals, staff engagement and their own climate impact in the workplace.

As you may know we see companies - as well as us all as individuals - playing a crucial role in reducing and removing emissions to slow and reverse human-caused climate change. When each of us wears our various hats as employees, management and leaders we are all part of that collective effort.

We're seeing some early evidence that driving factors for changes in company behavior are coming from both their customers and internally from their employees.

There's not so much depth in the data available so we thought we'd launch a survey to dig a little deeper into it all.

We'd love to hear more about how employees at all levels, across all industries, are feeling about their company's action on climate, and whether they feel supported in their roles on climate issues.

The responses are all confidential and we'll share the anonymised results openly on our blog and socials. The goal is to get a good mix of geographies and industries so we can illustrate some patterns and trends.

The survey is open until mid-November 2022 and we'll aim to publish the results before the end of the year.

It should take about 7 minutes and we'd love you to have your say 👇

Yes, this 👆 is a reallllly big button. That's how much we'd like to hear your opinions!

Have hope, make progress 💚


Team Zopeful

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