
About Us

Zopeful Climate

Have hope, make progress

You can make an impact

Climate science is kind-of the new rocket science. Complex, academically dense and across disciplines. Combined with an ever increasing firehose of information that it’s impossible to consume. I’ve tried, oh how I’ve tried. 

A lot of it's reports. There’s a truckload of amazing data from inspiring people doing incredible work. There’s terminology wrapped in acronyms a-plenty. 

A bunch of it supposes you already know about it. When I started I very much didn’t. And I'm still learning. 

It doesn't have to be this way. My pandemic side project has been to dig deep into climate related stuff. To try to look at the full picture so I can make more informed choices and also understand how we collectively make progress at a scale that makes a dent.

Yes, it would have been easier to bake some bread.

This is an old pattern for me. I binge a subject to the point I feel good about connecting the dots. 

Before this I've dug into a range of topics and stored it away, never to see the light of day again. Not this time. 

Instead of keeping it all in my head this time around and considering the importance of the subject I wanted to share it with you. 

This is me. My climate backstory is that over the last 6 years I’ve been trying to reduce my carbon footprint. Depending on the estimation calculator - using my pre-pandemic behavior - I’d cut it to about 1/2 to 1/3 national average. Which was great. 

A big improvement and something to feel good about, right?

But I got stuck and it didn’t feel like enough. Besides that I didn't have a high confidence that it was accurate. 

So I went on an adventure. Full of hope - plus a heap of pragmatic naivety - that we can do what lies ahead. 

I'm not here to say that everyone should do what I did. A bunch of the time we don't have an active role in the emissions that are created just by living in the modern world. It's not anyone's fault. It's the way things have always worked...until now. 

I’m always keen to avoid the doom. There’s plenty of that going about. It’s said that fear is a good motivator. Maybe that's why it's so often used. On this particular subject it has its uses, although I don’t think it will get us all the way to where we need to be. Likewise it doesn't feel like awareness of the science gets us there all on it's own either. This is a “yes…and” situation if ever there was one.

After exploring it a lot I’m still full of hope. I see what we’re going to need to do. Whether that's governments, companies and, yes, us individuals. We can get into a happier place with this most pressing of challenges. When we achieve it it'll be the biggest thing we've ever done as a society.

The crazy thing is that there aren’t any long term downsides to putting our full intention into it from here on out. We’re making progress already, even if the pace isn’t where it needs to be. Yet.

Zopeful is my attempt to compact some of what I've learnt about the scale of the challenge. To then translate it into something human sized that we can all play a role in. Every day. And to do it with hope.

If you'd like to learn more about it and the path ahead, we'd love you to join our Intro to Climate course, one of our other free courses. or our ready-made, high-quality Carbon Removal Portfolio-1. You'd be joining amazing humans from 70+ countries (so far).

Have hope, make progress 💚

Carbon Removal Subscription | Zopeful Climate

Carbon Removal Subscription

Whether you’re in the market for the latest tech gadget, a wardrobe makeover or booking a much-needed holiday, there is planet-heating carbon hidden in everything we buy, consume and do.

No-one asked for it to be there, but there it definitely is!

This year, we encourage everyone to be more intentional in the things they choose to purchase and to join us as we put our money towards high-quality, science-backed, carbon removal projects.

Team Zopeful

We need a global village to combat climate change

We're in this for the long haul and are delighted to have met so many like-minded, hopeful & action-orientated humans from around the world. Together is always better.

Our incredible team come from a wide range of backgrounds, experiences & countries. They have a big thing in common: they all want to contribute to solving the climate crisis.

Anastasiia Shcherbakova | Zopeful Team

" I'm a Strategist who joined Zopeful to turn her climate anxiety into positive action and help educate people about climate change. "

Anastasiia Shcherbakova 🇳🇱


Anthony D'Achille | Zopeful Team

" I believe that humanity can live in harmony with the natural world. Working with Zopeful is a way for me to play my small part in that. "

Anthony D'Achille 🇺🇸


Carly Chalmers | Zopeful Team

" This is my next climate action step: using my experience as an instructional designer to bring climate education to everyone. "

Carly Chalmers 🇨🇦


Jon Phillips | Zopeful Team

" Here to combine my experience and skills in tech product management to help build something great in climate tech and support a more livable planet. "

Jon Phillips 🇺🇸


Evan Harris | Zopeful Team

"Sustainability, impact and love for nature have always been close to my heart. I'm thrilled to be doing good with Zopeful!"

Karolina Szweda 🇵🇱 🇬🇧


Lara Strachan | Zopeful Team

"I aim to metamorphosize data, research, and storytelling into something that helps people feel good while doing good!"

Lara Strachan 🇺🇸


Lionel Lints | Zopeful Team

" Leveraging my coding skills, I joined Zopeful to make a real-world impact. I hope that our work can help make the world a cooler place! "

Lionel Lints 🇺🇸


Lisa Berkman | Zopeful Team

" I find data-driven, actionable solutions to tackle climate challenges! Solid research is the backbone of progress. It's where the future starts. "

Lisa Berkman 🇺🇸


Maleea Kim | Zopeful Team

" I'm looking to do something truly impactful, helping the earth sustain itself and educating others on how to make those better choices. Zopeful lends that hand. "

Maleea Kim 🇺🇸


Big or small, it all matters

Our collective goal is to turn curiosity, anxiety, and positive intentions into meaningful, science-backed, action.

By inspiring and creating agency, we believe that we can enable hope and urgency that we all can contribute to being part of the solution. The best time to start is now.

We're here to show you how we can do this, and why doing it is highly desirable both for humans and everything else on the planet. 

Penny Rance | Zopeful Team

" Looking after the planet can be done in many ways, this is just one of the things I'm doing to help. "

Penny Rance 🇬🇧


Rachel Dungate | Zopeful Team

" To live sustainably, people need the knowledge, power and motivation to make sustainable decisions. Zopeful exists to provide just this, which is why I’m here. "

Rachel Dungate 🇬🇧


Sarah Moy | Zopeful Team

" As a marketer and self-proclaimed science nerd, I'm thrilled to put my skills to work helping tackle climate change head-on. "

Sarah Moy 🇺🇸


Severine | Zopeful Team

" Super grateful to be part of the Zopeful team, and work together towards a net zero carbon world. Stay hopeful with Zopeful!. "

Severine 🇫🇷


Stephanie Lau | Zopeful Team

" Discovering Zopeful made me realise that climate science education can be accessible to all. I’m excited to help more people on their climate journeys! "

Stephanie Lau 🇦🇺 🇳🇱


Zsófia M. Antal | Zopeful Team

" I’ve been concerned with the future of our planet for a long time, and I want to do more than just make small changes in my daily life. Zopeful is an impactful platform where my professional contribution can go a long way. "

Zsófia M. Antal 🇭🇺


Difficult, not impossible

It's easy to think combating climate change is too hard, big, complex or that nothing anyone does matters. That's simply not true.

The science is clear and for a huge chunk of it we know what to do. Both individuals and companies have significant and important roles to play in decarbonizing the world.

Even so, none of us can do this alone.

Everyone is invited on this adventure. Will you join us?

Adam Oskwarek

" We know what it takes to solve the climate crisis and it's going to need as many of us as possible. Having hope and making relentless progress is our best path forward. "

Adam Oskwarek 🇬🇧


Every tonne matters

Our ready-made, curated, portfolio of high quality carbon dioxide removal (CDR) solutions is live. It aims for the highest permanence-for-the-$-per-tonne that we can find.

We're excited to be working with an inspiring group of global CDR companies taking the fight to the Climate Crisis. They're doing amazing work that holds a tonne - pun intended - of promise.

Zopeful Carbon Removal Portfolio-1
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Made in 🇬🇧 🇺🇸 🇪🇺 🇦🇺 with ❤️ for the 🌍